AT-158E 4pk
This parts kit fits the following NorthStar™ models:
- Elite Taper FX (NS-39EFX)
- ELITE™ Series Automatic Taper (NS-39e)
- Hybrid™ Carbon Fiber Taper (NS-39ECF)
- Standard Automatic Taper (NS-39)
The NorthStar split drive wheels are responsible for keeping the drive drum from spinning backwards on the automatic drywall taper. Once your drive wheels begin to loose their teeth, it's time to replace them.
You can change the NorthStar drive wheels without removing the drum from the taper for easier service
- 2 drive wheels are required to replace one side of the drive drum, 4 drive wheels are required to replace the entire drive drum.
- When replacing the drive wheels, it's also a good idea to replace both of the drive drum hubs as they will wear down as the drive plates do.
This kit includes 4 NorthStar split drive wheels