asterisk plus question minus glass music search envelope-o envelope heart-o heart check close signal cog home file-o clock-o download arrow-circle-o-down arrow-circle-o-up play-circle-o lock unlock-alt unlock tag tags book bookmark print camera image map-marker chevron-left chevron-right plus-circle minus-circle times-circle check-circle question-circle info-circle info times-circle-o check-circle-o arrow-left arrow-right arrow-up arrow-down exclamation-circle exclamation-triangle calendar chevron-up chevron-down shopping-cart cart-plus cart-arrow-down twitter-square twitter facebook-square facebook youtube youtube-square youtube-play instagram rss-square thumb-tack map-pin map map-o phone credit-card arrow-circle-left arrow-circle-right arrow-circle-up arrow-circle-down globe truck money caret-down caret-up caret-left caret-right sort sort-desc sort-asc angle-left angle-right angle-up angle-down certificate chevron-circle-left chevron-circle-right chevron-circle-up chevron-circle-down external-link-square plus-square-o plus-square file-pdf-o file-word-o file-excel-o file-powerpoint-o file-image-o file-archive-o file-audio-o file-movie-o file-code-o newspaper-o credit-card-alt paypal cc-visa cc-mastercard cc-discover cc-amex cc-paypal cc-stripe cc-jcb cc-diners-club question-circle-o drivers-license-o user-circle


TapeTech® Automatic Taper Schematic (07TT)

This is an interactive schematic. Click on the blue links to have the part pop up. *Touch screens can swipe and zoom.